A continuation of
The Strategy and Planning Scrapbook

“Like K Hole but with utility and skin in the game.”


This newsletter is an attempt to collect relics, trinkets, mementos and inspiration from my digital library as well as the analog world – and share them to make me and my fellow strategists better at the job.


  1. If you have scraps of your own that you’d like to share, I always appreciate it. you can email me at alex@stratscraps.com

  2. Please don’t sue me, I can’t afford it.

  3. There will absolutely be typos.


I skim the world for things that seem like they might be useful in a strategist’s line of work.

I see, I save, I share.

I do not always dig.

That means that there is risk that I am sharing work from someone who stole that work from someone else. Or from an individual who has other content or beliefs that don’t align with my own values.

I think the debate around good art from a bad person is really interesting and I am always open to have it. But hopefully not via the comments section.

Subscribe to STRAT_SCRAPS

Curated (stolen) bits and pieces adjacent to advertising. Sometimes accompanied by an original thought. More frequently an opinion or complaint. Also, monsters. There will almost certainly be typos.


Freelance Creative Strategy Consulting – focusing on turning assignments into questions into plans. Creator of The Strategy and Planning Scrapbook. Just a clown looking for a circus.