At one point, I was going to do a new scrapbook based on the first 100 newsletters. Instead, I made a list of 100 questions and 77 slides.
But, here is the collection of the material I was gathering before the plan got scrapped (heh).

Remember: Ads do not need to reflect the target audience. They just need to appeal to them
When presenting:
what’s the one thing?
When reviewing:
take a step back and ask what this is meant to accomplish.
It becomes art if you experience it rather than simply see it. Which is why anything can be art in a gallery
email I received:
I know it's a very core foundational strategy skill so it seems silly, but do you have any other thoughts or advice on this element of simplifying the strategy speak down to a good narrative?
My response, which I’m sharing because I think its actually a decent list of advice:
"The fascinating thing, is not to show the source of light, but the effect of light."
thanks Elan.
A rare long-form “original” thought. Something I stopped a nap short for in order to write this down. So, the clarity isn't 100%, but I didn't want to over edit. Felt against the spirit of this whole thing.
Periods of innovation are always during periods of idleness.
Full time employers hate it, but for many jobs – you have periods of idle time. This becomes a path to thinking time.
Freelance kills the free time you think you’ll have more of.
Maybe this is only true for me. The combo of having a family and a house in need of constant repair.
But my best extracurricular thinking has always been done on company time.
If I’m not working now, I feel no obligation to stay at my desk. Or to write or to think about anything academic. I prefer instead to be using power tools and building things
But at work, you are stuck at a desk. You have to show up even when you aren’t on a project.
In fact, this may be the biggest argument for returning to work policies. A benefit for the individual over the company. Being paid for your time and not having anything to do creates a unique blend of distracted productivity.
For me anyway.
The dream would be to have this time be encouraged.
Similar to the Patronage system of the Renaissance. I’d happily give up some amount of ownership of my output in exchange for being paid for it.
However, a UBI or creative patronage will do nothing if we are not idle during that time. Part of the reason being at work produced more thought and output for me was that work is an environment where it is frowned on to be on your phone.
Sure you can dick around on your computer, but it’s much easier to go from inspo to thought.
I’ve speculated this before – I do not think it is even possible to daydream with a phone in your pocket. Even if it’s not being looked at.
imagine if they had taught math like this in school. I would have at least tried to be good at it.
“strategic management is less about managing people than managing connections between people.”
a good read;
Kameelah Janan Rasheed on research and archiving
A text from my dad that I enjoyed;
I used to make a lot of collage art. I miss the medium and would like to get back to it.
Why’d I stop? to be honest, I started getting anywhere from 500-2,000 likes on each, and then suddenly I was getting 30. No idea what changed. But it made me stop doing art for a little while. (That is why
‘s Audience Capture hit so hard…)Then, I started doing art again, but different mediums, and never really sharing with the world.
Eventually, I started stratscraps, and I promised I’d start sharing stuff again. Even though it didn’t make sense in context and was definitely not what people were expecting.
That is the story behind the “weekly monster”
A place to say “Look I made something and I don’t care if you like it or if its good or whatever”
anyway, the instagram handle was notes.pictures, but I’ve since changed the handle to reflect what will hopefully be posted there more frequently in the near future: things made by myself or my siblings.