I love this photo.
Because while it is a great shot on its own, understanding the context completely changes how you look at it. What it conveys and how it makes you feel.
It is a photo taken of two women watching the Apollo moon landing on TV.
Now, this is the place where I could easily say “thats what a good insight does. It changes how you see something” – but tbh I think that would perpetuate the expectations around this impossible task strategist’s have given themselves. To try and discover something that can be qualified in that way.
Instead, I think the takeaway here is: Context.
Adding context can make something exponentially more interesting. But so can taking it away.
Context is a tool, use and remove it with intention and you’ll be a step ahead of most.
Shout out to Emma Popping for sharing the above image and below note in response to last week’s scraps.
“Not only is it difficult to fix in the rain, but it can be difficult to diagnose problems in the sun.”
But remember, as much as I hate to say this, an 8 is the same as a 4. Arguably worse. And where do you think most agencies live?
I’m reading 3 books at the moment. I’m not going to provide torrent links to most bc they are independent authors.
The Art of Gig by Venkatesh Rao (of Ribbon Farm). If you are a solo (indie) consultant, it feels like a must read. This is where the copy for the “Cover Story” in the top magazine cover comes from…
there is a “pick two” framework that had me weighing those two differences in consulting approach.
The Four Conversations, by Blair Enns. Ok this arrived in the mail today – technically I am not reading it yet. But I was a big fan of “the win without pitching manifesto1” so I’m looking forward to this one. (also, there is a certain excitement that comes with receiving something that you pre ordered…).
Distrust that particular flavor, by William Gibson. This is a collection of essays, but I’ve found I’m a big fan of non-fiction writing/contemporary culture commentary by fiction authors. Especially Sci Fi authors.
Speaking of Sci Fi, I’m also reading Dhalgren, by Samuel R Delany. This is a Sci Fi book and it is weird as hell. Not sure I’m going to finish it but it plays with format which I appreciate in theory. But in practice it is a painful reminder how used to certain formats one can get.
I guess that was 4 wasn’t it. Shit, I’m reading 4 books right now. thats too many.
Random quips:
Taking the time to get heady and tackle things without answers is an act of subversion.
the right answer is the useful answer
Tips for being a better strategist:
Working on an EOY reflections print object.
If we worked together this year, I’ll be reaching out soon to ask about the best shipping address. For everyone else, I’ll likely be selling some version of these in the coming weeks.
wrapping the present is my favorite part.
context > content, always.
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