So I’m having too much fun pretending to be a poor man’s David Carson (that comparison is offensive to the man and his legacy. Sorry Mr. Carson).
Links, odds, ends below.
Strategy Scraps and other written/visual newsletter content can be found in pdf format which you can flip through online
I’ve got availability coming up in mid June. Let’s provoke the suits together. »
I’m currently working on updating "Creatives on Strategists" with the new responses I've received since Ryan McDaid over at Mojo Supermarket shared the first deck around.
A PUBLIC RFP (request for partnership) I WANT TO MAKE THIS STATISTICALLY SIGNIFICANT. I NEED AT LEAST 150 more responses to achieve this.
PARTNERSHIP ROUTE ONE–GRASS ROOTS: Send this survey to every Creative Director you know. Tell them it'll be cathartic. It will.
Survey link:
PARTNERSHIP ROUTE TWO–ASTROTURF: If you or your org wants to partner in an official capacity, lets talk.
A cool concept. Executed ok. But something I’ve always wanted to do. A belief audit.
I’ll link to the article, but this one is simple and interesting enough that I want to paste the main idea directly
“I think most of all about the concept of stock and flow.
Do you know about this? It couldn’t be simpler. There are two kinds of quantities in the world. Stock is a static value: money in the bank or trees in the forest. Flow is a rate of change: fifteen dollars an hour or three thousand toothpicks a day. Easy. Too easy.
But I actually think stock and flow is a useful metaphor for media in the 21st century. Here’s what I mean:
Flow is the feed. It’s the posts and the tweets. It’s the stream of daily and sub-daily updates that reminds people you exist.
Stock is the durable stuff. It’s the content you produce that’s as interesting in two months (or two years) as it is today. It’s what people discover via search. It’s what spreads slowly but surely, building fans over time.
via SnarkMarket (great name)
(The internet is a copy machine. At its most foundational level, it copies every action, every character, every thought we make while we ride upon it. When copies are free, you need to sell things which can not be copied.)
This is how Strategy and Creative should work together:
Everything else can be found in the pamphlet
(the new word for “zine” according to me, just now)
Weekly Monster
Alien lifted from Handbook for hacks, illustrated by @mariajesuscontreras
What book is number 14 from? Would love to check it out!